Navigating the line between crypto surveillance and privacy protection

How can regulators maintain crypto’s effort for financial privacy while taking down criminal activity?

Cryptocurrency market faces surge in scams amid investment boom

A Cyjax report provides an in-depth analysis of the escalating threat of crypto scams in 2024, highlighting the resurgence of sophisticated phishing and fraud tactics targeting investors.

Towerbank builds hybrid crypto-fiat platform for LatAm clients

Next month Panama-based Towerbank will offer its inflation-conscious LatAm customers a crypto wallet that’s also a regular bank account. Ann-Marie Corvin talks to digital assets head Gabriel Campa about the technologies powering the app and transforming the way the bank does business

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A coffee with… Mark Monte-Colombo, head of refurbished, eBay UK

The ‘re-commerce’ head talks to Ann-Marie Corvin about the value of verified refurbished goods to consumers, businesses and the planet and why his eBay-bought air fryer rocks

AI powered diversity, equity, and inclusion with Ashleigh Ainsley, Colorintech

Ricki and Nicole explore the fascinating intersection of AI and its potential for good, joined by Ashleigh Ainsley, co-founder of Colorintech.

The future of VR & XR with Thomas Dexmier, HTC Vive

TI's Ricki Lee spoke with Thomas Dexmier, AVP for Business Development and Enterprise Solutions at HTC Vive, at MWC24 in Barcelona about how VR and XR are revolutionising industries like healthcare, mining, agriculture, education, and government agencies, offering immersive training experiences and enhancing workforce skills.

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Video : Public or private cloud? How to choose

A groundbreaking approach to building an 'always-on' data repository that scales effortlessly, with extreme data durability, accessibility, and security for petabyte-scale growth.

Video: Data-day access to a reliable pipeline

We speak to Stephen Mulholland, SVP for EMEA at Fivetran, about what challenges firms face when it comes to accessing data and how they can overcome this.

Video: The importance of APIs

We speak with Nylas director of developer relations Ash Ryan Arwine about the importance of integrating APIs for enterprise operation tools.


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